Wednesday, November 7, 2012

♥ Attention Please ♥

♥ Attention Please ♥

Dear all, recently there has been a spate of customers that have been late for 10 to 30 mins, did not call to inform, and when they reach, demand that we do full service for them. And when staffs politely told them we are unable to due to the appointment for the next customer, some of them hurl vulgarities and crude abusive language at our staffs.

Do take note that, Lavishing Me Nail Salon, DO NOT take lightly at customers being abusive to our staffs. Security will be called down immediately if cases like this happen. And if there is a need, we may have to call upon the Authorities.
Our staffs know best on whether we can take in the current customers when they are late. It is not fair for the next following on customers to wait that 15mins or half hr due to the 1st customer lateness.

On a note to all customers:
Kindly call to inform if you are going to be late, or cannot fulfill the appointment date.

Lavishing Me will not entertain customers who are ABUSIVE & RUDE.

If customers are late for 10 to 20mins, only 1 service can be done, eg: only manicure OR pedicure OR gelish manicure.

Any customers late for 20mins and above, appointment will be automatically cancelled.

However, we do call customers the day before or on the morning itself before their appointment.
Lavishing Me says: " Everyone is equal. Fairness applies to all races and religion. It doesn't matter how much you spend here, its the attitude that matters." — at Lavishing Me.

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